Welcome to my homepage!
I'm Squishy! I'm just a lil deer exploring the great internet, and reminiscing about my childhood
This aims to be a bit of a fun playful project for me, not neccesarily replacing squishy.cc, but complimenting it
Very different energy, I know xD
Whats to come?
Im hoping to get to share what I do with you all, and probably a bit more about myself and who I am!
Probably also lots of experimenting with the site! This is fun! :3
Uh oh
I did not manage to keep my adhd in check(its now october)
Suddenly my brain was all about 3d art again, and I disappeared into that space
but hey, I have my very own furry avatar now 🥰
I know I want a 3d and Photography section on here,
but I have no idea how to make it work in a way that fits the vibe.
Maybe I can try to make it a smaller portfolio, and just hand-make it.
Ive fleshed out the about my section quite a bit, and updated some css stuff.
Thought of the day:
Elon just did an elon again yesterday
but as much I hate that man and what he's doing,
at least most of the artists that I follow have been migrating to bluesky now,
and I like that community so much more!
its been really sweet to see people actually having real interactions
and even just actually seeing the posts people put out.
Hello World!
I've just started work on this website last week(14/03/24)
It's been so fun to just ignore everything I know about design and just let my inner child out^^
So far the page is very empty,
but if I can keep my adhd in check for long enough
I'm sure Ill manage to put some content up here eventually!
Thought of the day:
I love how while making this page I've really wanted to link to where I've found every image and pixelart,
whereas usually I would want to not use anything I have to link to, keeping it all nice and "proffesional"
It really makes it feel like a community, which is something I've really missed with homepages
No "industry secrets" only wanting to help others💕
I'll link sources where I have them, otherwise I'll link where I found the piece.
These 2 have been very helpful:
Kawaiimaterials tumblr
Cute deer pixels